Bethel is part of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (PAOC). You can read the PAOC's statement of faith here:

The heart of Pentecostal theology is that Jesus Christ is Saviour, Spirit Baptizer, Healer and soon returning King. The good news for us is that Jesus died for the sins of mankind in order to satisfy the just judgment of God the Father. 

The scripture proclaims that Jesus is Lord and Christ, the Son of God, who died for our sins and rose from the dead. He ascended to the throne of God the Father in heaven, and in the future, will return from heaven to judge the living and the dead since the dead also will rise. Finally, the gospel proclaims that, as the reigning Lord, Jesus has authority to forgive sins and to give the Holy Spirit, to those who repent and believe the gospel and follow Jesus with whole-hearted commitment. It is through the Spirit that we have eternal life and become children of God. Through the death of Jesus, God offers us eternal life! This is good news indeed.